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How do I clean label glue?

When the label on the container is torn off, how do you clean the upper layer?


For plastic products on the above stickers, you can use the hair dryer heat files will be sticky heat blowing, and then slowly tear off. But almost every family has an electric hair dryer, and an electric hair dryer can solve a nasty label. Use the hot air of the hair dryer to blow off the label. But keep it at a distance. Don't make it too close. Don't blow it too long. When you touch the spot where the label has been slightly hot, try using a fingernail or sharp tweezer to raise the mark slightly from the edge of the label. Since the adhesive heat will become viscous drops, so when better than some tear. But not with heat from the glue into the water, viscous or some, when the tear can not be too fast too fast, be careful and patient, the best lift surface and the original paste at a 45 degree angle such a little lift up, not tear jerking suddenly. As long as you are patient, the label will be torn off in good condition without leaving a little offset on the package.
The traces of hot water before use the wet towel, and then repeatedly wipe the traces of adhesive, and then wet towel dipped in soap, to trace repeatedly wipe, finally with a clean wet towel to wipe the soap on it.
For some surface traces of residual glue, you can wipe the eraser, and then remove the eraser left maomao.
You need to prepare a metal needle or toothpick (the smaller the better), and make another rubber. Note gently from one end of the stir (pay attention to the direction of the object should not be forced, must be forced out). In this way, it is possible to pick out the larger area at once. (don't let the dropped label fall on something else, or it will become the two pollution.). Strength is not the same, there will be residual gum phenomenon, then use a rubber gently wipe it (pay attention to choose the rubber drop position)

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