I have an old pine blanket chest that I found covered in dirt and greaseI was not concerned with it's possible $$ value (it was filthy anyway) so I scrubbed it with TSP cleaner, soap, putty knife, steel wool, etcIt is clean nowWhat I want to do is recreate that smooth (kinda shiny) patina raw old wood gets after years of handlingThere has to be a way to do this without coating it with varathane and things like thisCan anyone help?
Oil and burnishSoak the wood in some tongue oil or similar oil finishLet it soak overnightAfter it's soaked, use a piece of hardwood like oak or maplePress down firmly but evenly and rub the hardwood over the pine running parallel to the grain of the pineThis is burnishingThe more you rub the wood with a harder wood the smoother the finish will be (if you're good at it, using the corner of a maple board works the best, using it like you would a hand planer, but uneven pressure can leave lines)Soaking with oil softens the wood fiber enough to make it malleable for burnishing, and adds that soft gleamBurnishing lines up and presses the wood fibersHope it helps.
You can try a couple of things that you can get at walmart or your pharmacy 1) Hylands teething tablets - all natural homeopathic for infants, they melt in the baby's mouth 2) Infant tylenol- helps take away pain and the baby may sleep better