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how do i fix my solar panel? please hurry i need it for my science fair project?

my solar car works when using the Battery but when there is sunlight i connect the wires to the solar panel and it does not work...................HELP


leave the car in the sun for a few hours to see if it charges. if not, the panel is defective. get it replaced b4 the science fair
If that solar panel came with the car, the panel is most likely defective. Make sure you're in bright sunlight, and try holding the car so that the wheels are not touching the ground. If the wheels still won't turn, even slowly, then the panel is bad. If each person in the class got one, see if you can try your panel on a friend's car, or their panel on your car. If this is just any little panel, it could be that the panel simply does not have enough voltage, current, or both to power the motor on the car.

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