i just got 2 kittens yesterday and all they do is pretty much stay under my rocking chair. their 4 months old but i don't know how to get them out from under the rocking chair without hurting them. please help i want to spend time with them and have fun with them.
This isn't unusual. Let them come out on their own; don't drag them out from under the chair. Cats hate change and new kittens may find a new environment very frightening for a few days until they settle in. Have you tried playing with them with a dangly toy or offering them food from your fingers or tossing a crunchie to them? If you offer them a substitute for the safety of the chair that may help - maybe a kitty teepee or even a box with a towel in it where they can hide. They'll come out. They just need time.
So you want to have fun with them. Well we certainly wouldn't want to deprive you of your toys! You just got them YESTERDAY for crying out loud. Give them a freaking break! Why won't you allow them time to become acclimated (look the word up in the dictionary) to their new environment? If you were suddenly taken away from everyone and everything you knew and dumped into a strange land, wouldn't it take you a day or two before you could relax? And these are BABIES! Grow up. You need to be patient and kind. Give the kittens time to adjust and learn where everything is. It's no wonder they hide with such impatience coming at them. And remember, these are living beings - not TOYS!! If you are so young and immature that you need a toy to play with, you should have gone to Toys 'R Us and bought an electronic kitty. Living beings require love and kindness and food, water, shelter and health care. They have feelings and wants and needs. Give them time to adjust. That is even more true if they are feral. Ferals have not been socialized around people; in fact they have usually been taught to run and hide. Again, it will take TIME for them to realize they are in a safe place. And get a book and read up on cats. Educate yourself in the basics - for THEIR sake.
You need to give them a little time to get adjusted to their new surroundings. They are probably just a little scared. Sit next to the chair and talk to them in a very quiet calm voice. Don't try to pull them out, or grab them in any way. It will probably just frighten them even more. Lay a couple of treats next to the chair where they can see them. They will smell the treats and might venture out to see what it is. Also, try dangling a string, or pulling a long feather across the floor infront of the chair. Most kittens can't resist such a temptation. Eventually they will come around. Don't worry. Just be patient with them. Good luck and congrats on the new additions.
New homes usually take cats awhile to adjust to...it is normal. When you say 'rocking chair' and are referring to a LazyBoy type of recliner here is what I did. I adopted two cats last April and they too hid under the recliner. I was concerned about them getting hurt if someone sat in the chair and started rocking. Get behind the chair and tip it forward all the way. The little darlings will usually run to another hiding place. Take two pillows and stuff them into the cavity that is the underside of the chair. Put the chair back to it's original position and check to see if there is any spots that the kitties can access. Add one more pillow to the back of the recliner kinda stuffing partially under the recliner. This method stopped my new babies from getting underneath the recliner. Before you do this to the recliner you may want to go around your place and kitty-proof each room. Look low and eliminate places they can hide that you don't want them to hide in. It'll be worth it.
well don't let anyone sit and rock in that chair, until the kittens come out. it seems as if they are scared, and using the rocking chair as a refuge. you COULD tip the chair over on its side for now, but the kittens will probably find another place to hide. i'd say, just let them get used to you and their new surroundings.. they will come out and come to you eventually. i wouldn't try to grab them, because this would only reinforce their fear of you. give them time -- it's only been a day. let us know how they are doing in two weeks.. i bet you will see a big change! take care too