I have been laid off my job of 26 years doing exactly this. I would like to look into teaching at a community college passing my skills onto others. Any advice?How much do you think I could expect to get paid?Thanks in advance!
You could get paied a butload of money if you worked for a church, and there are LOTS of thoes in texas so that might be a start= )
For quickest assessment of opportunities, check out your future competitors. Find shops that now teach stained glass classes. See their brochures, ads and prices. Take from the best from several...then advertise around town using a simple 8 1/2 X 11 inch flyer placed everywhere...supermarkets, library, in free paper racks (stuff the copy into the Weekly) and on windshields. I went to a class a few years ago, and loved the course work. It was once weekly for 6 weeks. If you need help with ideas on advertisements that pop, go to Barnes & Noble and browse the slick AD trade Mags. Brevity and flair with harsh color contrast will likely click. Start a stained glass info-blog. Write an article about yourself, and this will be picked up by a Features Editor who realizes that the source for endless living beauty is found in stained glass. If you need forever-fuel to propel you...visit Florence, Italy. You'll probably stay there. Good luck!
Start by going to yahoo questions and posing a question along this lines: how do I go about getting a job teaching others to design and build leaded glass windows? Then wait for brilliant ideas to make you into the next Bill Gates (or Windows as the case may be).