How do I go about renting space on my property to a cell phone tower service provider?
The lift weighs 1100 lbs and the capacity is 500 lbs making 1600 lbs max over 1800 sq in or 1600/1800 .89lb/sq inA
Contact the company u wish to do business withThey will send out a surveyer to scope the spaceIt depends where u are at, where the microwave towers are position, where other towers are position and if that area needs the coverageNot all places are acceptableThen u have to get rdy for the real headache.ppl coming in to install the site (this includes company ppl and contractors).several trucks and possibly cranesConstant in and outs due to bad batteries and components and repairsThen there will be the issue of updating the sites do to new technology.which means the process is repeatedHigh traffic around ur make sure u can handle thatBe expected to be asked if ur property can be access 24 hrs 7 days a week.if u can not do that then it makes it more of a hassle on the workers as well as urselfSo good luck and remember ur property might not be the ideal site at the time.
Contact the company u wish to do business withThey will send out a surveyer to scope the spaceIt depends where u are at, where the microwave towers are position, where other towers are position and if that area needs the coverageNot all places are acceptableThen u have to get rdy for the real headache.ppl coming in to install the site (this includes company ppl and contractors).several trucks and possibly cranesConstant in and outs due to bad batteries and components and repairsThen there will be the issue of updating the sites do to new technology.which means the process is repeatedHigh traffic around ur make sure u can handle thatBe expected to be asked if ur property can be access 24 hrs 7 days a week.if u can not do that then it makes it more of a hassle on the workers as well as urselfSo good luck and remember ur property might not be the ideal site at the time.