i want to make a round electromagnet able to lift a full can of sodadoes anybody know how to
Well the other answers are correct about soda cans being non ferrous, and hence not magnetically attractable, however you could fake it and glue or otherwise fix a pice of steel to the aluminum canThe electromagnet needs to have an iron core and lots of windings of wire that connects to a battery or power source, you can google this as easily as get the solution hereTry the bit o steel glued to the soda can trick it works.Promise, just make sure it's firmly fixed to the can.
Call your local speed shop! WE have a couple in the city I live, and those guys are really knowledgeable about performance parts
Oklet me see if you can grasp thisIt has nothing to do with the injector, it has to do with the amount of fuel is injectors spray, and that is controlled by the computorThe computer turns the injector on and offAnd controlls the amount of fuel it spraysSo dont look at injector size but the time the injuctor is sprayingSo what you need is a new controll chip , not a bigger injoctorSeek out high proformance chips that will turn on the injuctor for a longer time thus supplying the needed fuel for your sporty Dakota.