Okay so im a nooby and i have some questions painting my bedroom. I got enough paint to paint multiple coats of paint but i dont know how. When i paint my first coat, do I have to let the paint completely dry before i put the second coat on? And can i use a paint rack that has dried paint left sitting on it?
After completing your first coat on half side of wall you continue to other half side mean while the first is drying. now, go on it again and apply the coating again . generally two coating of paint is enough for best result.this is is the way professionals are done. Also maintain the balance of paint don't put so much water or other catalyst in the paint that affect the paint you applied.add them time to time when its apper thick or sticky.
I hope you got water based (latex) paint and not oil-based. the water based will clean easily off of rollers brushes and trays whereas oil-based requires the use of paint thinner to clean up. So considering that, my suggestion for painting multiple coats is to paint light coats, never put too much paint on the wall at one time. Put some paint on the roller or brush, and really spread it out, until your utensil is almost dry before re-dipping into the paint tray. this will keep your coats thin and uniform. let the wall soak up the paint, but don't over saturate. then let that coat dry before repeating. then after 2 coats and a final touch-up pass, it will be awesome
So you are a first time painter. When you paint your first coat. Before you begin any project using paint cover everything that it will ruin from drips from your brush or roller. Wipe up any drips as fast as it falls because it can be more difficult after it has a chance to dry. Always wait a few hours after the first coat to insure a better contact and not to streak the paint. Never allow any paint to dry in the pan that you used. Take it outside and rinse it out with your water hose. Always be cautious about spilling any drips and take time to clean it up. Take your time, the best part is not trying to race along too fast and that makes waste. Hast makes waste. Enjoy painting and getting the lines straight. Use a damp cloth to wipe off smears as you go along. If the room has carpeting make sure you use a plastic drop cloth before ever beginning your paint project. Some people can whis through a paint job and make a total disaster. Use a good amount of common sense and you will do just what you want. Always clean your brushes and rollers while they are still easily to remove the paint with plenty of water and little soap outside where it won't matter as much the mess. Then clean up all the messes before you can say you are done. Then it is ready for you use the next time in great condition. If you don't it will force you to buy brand new tools to paint the next time.
Paint okorder /... Good luck and happy new room color !!!