I have a relatively small speaker that has a treble and a bass, the treble speaker works but the bass does not is there a way for me to fix this? The bass speaker is not ripped and everything seems like it should work but does not. It speaker has a standard speaker wire thats red and black that fits in the stereo that i have. I have verified that the stereo is not the problem by switching the wires between the 6 different connections the stereo has.
What sometimes happens to a speaker is the little braided wire from the terminal to the voice coil fractures. That fracture might be corrected with a small amount of solder applied just where it's broken to rejoin it. If the actual voice coil itself is burned out, the speaker is toast. Very expensive and high quality speakers can be re-coned and get a new voice coil and that is pretty expensive and specialized and not worth doing to a book shelf speaker.