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How do I repair the loader arm control on a CAT 277 mtl?

I have a 2004 CAT mtl 2600 hrs. Recently, the loader arm control stopped working. A couple times if I turned the CAT off and back on the joystick CONTROLLER will operate the loader arms for a few seconds but then suddenly be unresponsive to any directional movement of the joystick. Now, I am unable to get any movement using the CONTROLLER. I have viewed the hydraulic hoses immediately connected underneath the joystick and they appear ok. The parking brake/hydraulic release seems to operate ok as well since I am still able to use the left joystick CONTROLLER to move the CAT and drive wherever I want. What would cause this problem? (a partial failure of the parking brake/hydraulic release?) Much Thanks for any suggestions!-Josh


tough really id guess the flow is not right likey where your joystick is at could be what it moves say inside it wil be o-rings and when you move stick if one or more o rings bad it wouldnt change the flow of fluid is it not Electric switches that controls hydraulic or its it a rod that moves a cylinder that inside a block or valve sorry man best i can do might type repair manual year and name of PDF and find a manual or might even lok into forum maybe like car loader forum might find a fourm with others who might have one too

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