i am not sure whether the water pump is bad or how much water should come out of exhaust.
It may not be your water pump at all. It could be a blown head gasket or a cracked block. Do you drive it very much? If you do and it doesn't totally overheat, it isn't your water pump. Water pumps usually tend to make a lot of noise when they go bad. Depending on the temperature of the air where you live, I would say don't worry too much about white clouds coming out of your exhaust. You do notice I said white? Condensation in an exhaust pipe is normal. Check the little stuff first. Check your thermostat and radiator cap first. Those are inexpensive. Have your radiator checked at the local Mom and Pop radiator shop where they will also check your hoses and engine oil, to see if it looks like mud. That will tell you if you have a cracked block. Total overheating can be a blown head gasket which is expensive because of labor. The parts cost is minimal, it is just a total b i t c h because you have to get the whole top of the motor off. Have your freeze plugs checked too and if they are plastic, have them replaced with brass ones. It is a very old vehicle and you are going to be looking at some money to fix things. I hope I helped, although you didn't tell me the name of the vehicle. That would help a bit more and if you know it is the water pump, go get a new one!!!!!!! And check your fan belts too while you're at it. Good luck! :) I'm just a dumb lady...lol!