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How do I write a 4 X 4 linear equation?

I have this question that needs to be written in a 4 X 4 linear equation, all I have is the total amountPlease help! Here it is….It must be in standard form! (variables on left of the equal sign constants on the right)Combined, there are 198 rooms, bathrooms, fireplaces elevatorsThe number of rooms exceeds the number of bathrooms fireplaces by 69The difference between the number of fireplaces elevators is 25If the number of bathrooms is doubled it exceeds the number of fireplaces and elevators by 39Determine the number of rooms, bathrooms, fireplaces elevators in the U.S White HouseWRooms XBathroomsYFireplacesZelevatorsAll I have is the total amount…… W132X35Y28Z3


WRooms , XBathrooms , YFireplaces , Zelevators 1there are 198 rooms, bathrooms, fireplaces elevators so , W + X + Y + Z 198 2number of rooms exceeds the number of bathrooms fireplaces by 69, so , W - ( X + Y) 69 W - X - Y 69 3difference between the number of fireplaces elevators is 25 , so , Y - Z 25 4.number of bathrooms is doubled it exceeds the number of fireplaces and elevators by 39 so , 2X - ( Y +Z) 39 2X -Y - Z 39 HENCE YOUR FOUR EQUATIONS ARE , W + X + Y + Z 198 W - X - Y 69 Y - Z 25 2X -Y - Z 39 SOLVING THESE X 35, W 132, Y 28, Z 3
not really but only the silver part that is under water will have the tarnish removedYou are reducing the AgO to Ag and converting the Al to Al2O3.

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