A guy my husband works with has a fellow employee that operates a crane and him and his crane are the only cranes on the entire work site that a whole flock of bees in attracted to and he has gotten stung many times already and wants to know of anything natural or not that is cheap and easy that could repel the bees away. help plz...
Are you sure that's not a yellow-jacket nest? They are aggressive near the nest, it's often under-ground. They're pests and can be sprayed with a clear conscience. There are 'knock down' products sold for use by line-men who often have to deal with nests. Find and spray the nest entrance. It can be done from quite a distance at first. Bees are threatened, ecologically valuable, and should be protected as Mike suggests.
Try fabric softener sheets. thread them in your suspenders and on the back of your hat. Keep a can of Yard Guard handy. Wear a long sleeve shirt, dull colors, no red or orange.If necessary get a Beekeeper net or make one out of black Tulle cloth. Wear gloves.
Call in a local bee keeper, have the hive collected and moved.