How does doing these things help save the rainforest?1Recycle everything you can: newspapers, cans, glass bottles and jars, aluminum foil, motor oil, scrap metal, etc2Don't use electrical appliances for things you can easily do by hand, such as opening cans3Use cold water in the washer whenever possible4Re-use brown paper bags to line your trash can instead of plastic bagsRe-use bread bags and the bags you bring your produce home in5Store food in re-usable containers, instead of plastic wrap or aluminum foil6Save wire coat hangers and return them to the dry cleaners.7Take unwanted, re-usable items to a charitable organization or thrift shop8Don't leave water running needlessly9Turn your heat down, and wear a sweater10Turn off the lights, TV, or other electrical appliances when you are out of a room11Flush the toilet less often(If you cut flushing in half, you'll save up to 16.5 gallons a day.) 12Turn down the heat and turn off the water heater before you leave for vacation.13Recycle your Christmas Tree.
We have to be 100% honest with ourselves for just one momentAlmost everything on this list has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with rain forest conservation1You can reuse/recycle all of the newspaper/cans/glass/oil you so desireThese are products which for the most part ARE NOT made from rain forest natural resourcesNo matter how much oil or aluminum I reuse, this does NOTHING to curb deforestationPaper products do have a small impactIf these products are land filled, they are buried locally, NOT shipped to rain forests2The rain forest is NOT a big electrical production resourceCoal and other fossil fuels are not as predominant hereOnce again, even going solar, does nothing to curb deforestation3Hot water/electricity is not a big rain forest resourceSee 24Plastic is not a big rain forest resourceSee 15See above6Coat hangers are not a big resource either7Unless the item is teak or other specialty wood, it too has nothing to do with anything8Unless your water is pumped from the rain forest, see above9See above10See above11Unless your sewage drains to the rain forest, see above12See above13Pine trees are not native to most rain forestsMost of these do NOTHING to positively impact the rain forest itselfJust as many trees were dozed regardlessWith that said, these ARE NOT efforts in futilityThese are STILL good ideas overall, and many benefit your local area and the earth overall Cheers.
something you can put a photographic medium into (like photographic paper), a shoe box, a can, anything really, try 120s links