I mean each MM is different shape, size and color. How do they individually print the letter M on each one without getting multiple m stamps on each one? Does each one stop in a little chute that stops them from moving then stamps the M, then drops it to continue on its journey to my stomach? I don't know. Skittles are shaped to match all other skittles, and so are the regular mm's. But the peanut MM's, thats a boggle to the mind.
running to the waste basket with broken glass in your hand - don't run and use a dust bin to carry it. you have poured on yourself a flask full of 10M H2SO4, you start running around the lab screaming my skin is melting, my skin is melting - hurry to the emergency shower, turn it on, take off clothes. a fire starts in the lab you run as fast as you can towards the door. - fist put all your chemicals that you were working on in the sink next to you (chemicals and fire don't mix very well) move in an orderly fashon toward the door. i dont understand you question. what do you do with what chemical (the one that is spilled or the one in the bottle) for the one that is spilled it depends what it is. there are different cleanning-up procedures for strong acids vs strong bases, but usually just wipe it off with a moist paper towel for the one in the bottle wipe it if it has spilled chemical on it and out it on a clean part of the table as far away from the spill so you can clean it properly, without having another spill from the bottle.
There are Hubless fittings and parts for this that you may obtain from your local plumbing supply house - including slip fittings to make up unusual lengths. Rent a chain cutter to make nice square cuts and take it from there. Your supply house will cut you a new piece to-size if necessary and give you the exact fittings you need if you bring them a dimension and a piece of the old pipe. With the right tools and patience, this is no more than a couple of hours work on a bad day. Less than an hour on a good one. Do it right and DON'T try to weld it. That will cause almost immediate failure of the pipe around the weld due to compositional change from the heat.