.using transparency film, Zebra markers, aluminium foil??
Do something you like ? go out and play sports work out call a friend see what he/she is doing go out to your friends house watch tv play video games read a book -_- ( not my fav one) call your friends and see if they want to go catch a movie in theaters or call your friends and see if they just wanna chill OR just rent a nice movie and watch with your family / or friends or just see what your other family members are doing maybe you guys can do something together
makes a few burnt bored toast, a exceptional scorching cup of bored teaStick on a monotonous video, stroke the bored cat then hop upstairs on your bored mattress and get a few exceptional bored close-eyeYou wont be bored in case your asleep.
Here are some ideas: - Read a book if you like reading - Go to a store and buy something - Go to parks, places - Go to a friends house - Play board games - Play online games - Play video games - Sleep - Listen to music - Use the computer like chats online - Stare or day dream - Do chores - Play outside - Mess around with your bro or sis (if you have one) - Call friends or go to a friends house - Draw - Look at pictures - Swim These are the things you can do when boredthat's what I have been doing these daysSometimes, summer gets boring you know that?
Well, I've done stain glass designs using various colors of tissue paper and two pieces black construction paperFirst thing u must do is fold the two black construction paper pieces in half together draw various voids that can be cut outIt depends on what shape u like it, it can be various shapesonce the voids are cut out, u can cut the dif/ colors of tissue paper to place over the voidsGlue in placeOf course it won't be pretty so use the second piece of blk paper as a backingIf u take the craft to the window it gives an effect of stained glass I don't know if that helps or not.