How do you choose artificial lawn glue?
In the sports field, artificial lawn glue is mainly used for the adhesion of lawn and joint cloth and the bond around the site. First of all, the lawn cloth bonding, which is artificial lawn pavement links one of the most important steps. First, the seam cloth near the ground point coating. The front of the joint cloth and the artificial lawn to be glued are covered with brush. When the glue does not stick to the hands, the two sides of the lawn and seam cloth butt. Walk on the top several times.
Artificial lawn glue, choose the first step to see the glue for the adhesive material is what?. Some glue suitable for bonding metal, and some suitable for bonding foam, and some suitable for bonding plastic, and some suitable for bonding glass and so on. There are also general glue, such as universal glue. The second step is to select the suitable temperature range of the glue, and select the suitable temperature range to reach the outdoor temperature of the artificial lawn. The third step to see the environmental performance of glue, the general high environmental glue, higher cost.
Artificial turf glue standard usually need to achieve the following three: 1, water resistance, outdoor artificial lawn site drainage is necessary, turf glue should be waterproof. If it can't be waterproof, it will crack and sway on the lawn at the later stage. 2, a wide range of temperature, the northern man-made lawn site in winter, the minimum temperature may reach thirty-nine degrees below zero, artificial turf glue needs cold tolerance. In the south, artificial lawn glue needs to withstand nearly sixty degrees of high temperature. 3, high adhesion, the use of lawn and glue are closely related, the viscosity of the glue may not allow the lawn joints and the surrounding area curling, affecting the service life of artificial turf.
Artificial lawn glue plays the role of lawn and joint cloth, lawn and ground bonding fixed role, is an important adjunct in artificial lawn pavement. Artificial turf glue on the market at present good quality is special. The artificial turf glue. Although the price is higher, but the cost performance is higher. Glue can also be chosen nearby, but try to select the glue that the construction team knows well