My bff is challenging me to escape from a plastic tube approx. 4 ft. in diameter. I cannot carry any sharp items or tools that might be used to cut the plastic. If i get out in less than 2 hrs. then she will give me $400 in cash. I really need the money for my two kids. HELP!
the two people who answered this question before me are stupid, why risk burning your self with fire, just head butt your way out of the tube, judging by how stupid this question is you could get out really easily with your thick skull!!!
You haven't specified if/how the ends are sealed. The easiest way to get out of somewhere is usually the way you got in...
Use a blow torch. It's not sharp and it doesn't cut the plastic, it melts it so it's not against the rules.
A lighter would melt the tube. Acid could dissolve the tube. You could use liquid nitrogen to freeze the tube and then break your way out. What are you doing in a tube anyway? Why would your friend want to put you in a tube in the first place?
take a mobile phone someone and ask them to come and cut it open