How do you free a frozen well lever.Its our outside well for horses, and it wont budge.?
After using one of the above methods, buildd a shelter around the unit and insulate it. If it gets very cold in your area, also install a light buil, about 60 watt, to supply heat in the shelter.
A bath sheet is longer than a regular bath towel. Bath sheets are usually 36 inches wide and 70 inches long. Normal towels are 36 inches wide and 54 inches long.
Hi there!! A bath sheet is bigger than a bath towelit's more like a sheet (thus the name). Thats the only difference! :)
thay have a heater cord to rap on frozen pipes that you could rap around it and plug in but get the 12gage cord to plug in to . you can get it at a good home depo or hard wear store .
A little alcohol brandy or whiskey on the shaft leading to the handle. The alcohol will evaporate and not contaminate the water. Other than that.heat tape to generate heat to thru the handle. Wrap it in a fire retardant blanket to shelter the outside elements from refreezing what you have thawed already. Good luck to you and your critters.