I just made origami cranes and want to hang them up, each by themselves with just a peice of string....how should i go about doing this? how is it usually done?
TAke a needle threaded with a long piece of black thread, and make a small knot at end of long thread. Push the needle thru the middle of the crane's back and pull the thread all the way thru the hole till the knot catches. pull the needle off the loose end of the thread and make another knot on that end. take a push pin or thumb tack and push the pin thru the knot, then push the pin or tack into the ceiling. FYI, tape never works - I have tried. The black thread lets them flutter a bit, and is invisible most of the time. p.s. ask your parents if you can hang stuff from the ceiling first. they may not want you to do that since it will leave holes in the ceiling when you take them down.