I really can't find any info on installation online. I have even been at hardware sites and was given a generic explanation. Do you remove your old carpet?
I`m with Wheeza on the first part, however, for actual installation Start on the walls that will be *Seen* first when you enter the room. That way your pieces won`t be as visible esp if the walls are not square and you have a 3 inch piece at one end and 6 inches at the other end (don`t laugh, it happens). You can use Any carpet glue available at Home Depot and as Wheezer says, hardware stores using a notched trowel. Don`t spread too thick `tho or it will smush up through your tiles esp if thin and make a heck of a mess. Just make sure it`s not flammable. My brother and I set fire to a kitchen once not realizing the stuff was flammable. When the fumes hit the water heater it spread over the floor where I was spreading and up the walls (old house with flammable paint/thinner used) quicker than we could blink. Hope this helps. I`m sure it will be pretty (: Need any tips on how to trim it or anything? RT
By carpet panels,do you mean carpet tiles? If so, you need to remove all your carpet first. Smooth the floor surface,or glue or nail down hardboard panels first. This will ensure even surface throughout area you want to cover.Do your panels have a sticky side? Or do you want to glue them? You need to use suitable glue(hardware shop should know). Measure floor area first. Always start from centre of room working outwards.This ensures any half-cuts you need to make will be on outside walls.Do you not have A Mega 10 website.? We have all info on these sites(I am in New Zealand)Good Luck!