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How do you pour brake fluid in a motorcycle?

i bought my motorcycle to fix it up, and there is no brake fluid in the bike. I watched videos about bleeding the fluid, but i dont know what to do if there is none what so ever. Do i just poor it in and pump the brakes or what?


Be safe.have a professional look at it. You only have two wheels!!!
1 Take the cap off the master cylinder 2 open the bottle of brake fluid. 3 center the opening on the brake fluid bottle above the opening created by removing the cap on the master cylinder. 4 slowly tilt the bottle of fluid 5 watch gravity work. 6 return fluid bottle to upright position when the master cylinder is full 7 execute steps for the brake bleeding process 8 repeat as necessary
If there is no fluid in the system I'd venture to say there is a leak in the system. But you could try to put some fluid into the reservoir, slowly pump the lever and see what happens.

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