how do you use the Olds/Hurst Lightning Rod Shifters?
Call the local ER and ask, it's the best place to get an answer. He may even have to go in and get checked out. The eyes could easily have been hurt. Good luck.
Listen this is an old wifes tale but it really works,,, I use to date a welder and when he got arch he would cut potato's and place them over his eyes,, sounds goofy I know but it really helped him out,,, and never never ever do this again use a helmet with welding glasses!
You dont need your own skates you can get rental skates Yes gloves Hat NO lol you can wear a scarf but make sure you tie it around your neck and that its not too long and tuck it into your jacket skirt and tights no; yoga pants or workout pants work for classes and are warmer. gloves are around $1 depending where you get them. Figure skating price varies .. Depends on how much the classes are at the rink, how often your doing it, and who your taking from just ask the rink those questions and a coach or skating director at the rink will answer any other questions you have.
cetaphil is very good for dry skin. but it could be kinda greasy and it makes me break out. try olay and see if you like it! hope i helped:)
Dude! He could have burned his retinas. The spark from an arc welder can be as bright as the sun. Take him to an emergency room, no matter how macho he tries to be. .