How does a plate and frame heat exchanger work?
Plate and physique heat temperature exchangers artwork on the thought of putting as lots floor ingredient of one tempature fluid in touch with yet yet another. The plates that are bolted mutually advance the exterior area the fluids have in touch with the flow fabric subsequently increasing the quantity of heat temperature transfered. See the appropriate internet internet site to substantiate the truthfully explaination of the type.
plate and frame, ive not heard of b4. But heat exchanges work by having the heat source ( hot air/ water/ oil) inside. Then having the carrier (air from a fan) pass inbetween the heat exchangers pipes/ fins therefore heating the air which is used for heating a room for example.
Plate and frame heat exchangers work on the principle of putting as much surface area of one tempature fluid in contact with another. The plates which are bolted together increase the surface area the fluids have in contact with the transfer material thus increasing the amount of heat transfered. See the attached website to see the physical explaination of the construction.
A plate and frame exchanger is similar to most heat exchangers that it places two fluids in close proximity without mixing so that heat can be transferred for one fluid to another. A shell and tube exchanger is a common example of this type of exchanger. In a plate and frame exchanger the hot and cold fluids are separated by a series of thin plates that are held together in a frame. The space between alternate plates is connected to a channel for the hot fluid and the other spaces are connected to a channel for the cold fluid. Gaskets are used to seal the various pieces. Most plate and frame exchangers are held together by bolts. This permits the exchanger to be easily disassembled for cleaning or repair. If you do a web search for plate and frame exchangers, you will get several manufacturers sites.