A solar controller handles battery over-temperature protection by continuously monitoring the temperature of the battery. When the temperature exceeds a safe threshold, the controller automatically reduces or completely cuts off the charging current to prevent the battery from overheating. This helps to protect the battery from damage and prolong its lifespan.
A solar controller handles battery over-temperature protection by monitoring the temperature of the battery and activating a protection mechanism when it exceeds a certain threshold. This mechanism typically involves reducing or cutting off the charging current to prevent further temperature rise and potential damage to the battery.
A solar controller handles battery over-temperature protection by monitoring the temperature of the battery and taking necessary actions to prevent overheating. It typically uses temperature sensors to measure the battery temperature and can automatically adjust the charging parameters to reduce the charging current or temporarily suspend charging if the temperature exceeds a safe threshold. Additionally, some controllers may have additional features like temperature compensation to optimize charging performance based on the battery temperature.