Is it battery powered? Or an automatic movement? If battery, does it self-charging or it will eventually die out like every battery does?
There is energy in quartz as with all other mass. The energy comes from the equivalence of mass and energy through Einstein's special relativity. However, there is nothing special about quartz. It is the most common mineral on the earth's surface and it is the major component of sand. Furthermore, there is no way to extract the relativistic energy from quartz using any known technology.
Quartz is naturally formed in the earth, like all crystals. The energy in a Quartz crystal is very etheric. Those people who are sensitive to those energies can use it but it's not the kind of energy you could generate electricity from. All crystals have this type of energy, and all can be used for various purposes. Check out any witchcraft site that sells occult items. Some of them have lists that indicate what kinds of things each crystal can help with.
everything is a source of energy, but there is currently no feasable way of getting it from quartz
Did you ever hear of a piezo-electric quartz circuit? It's the type of circuit in electronic cigarette lighters that don't require batteries. That's the butane lighters that create an electric spark when you press the button to create a flame. The circuit contains a piece of specially shaped quartz that is bent or warped when you strike the lighter. This bending puts the crystal under stress. When the button is released, the crystal returns to its original shape to relieve the stress. The energy released from the removal of the stress is released as electricity. Electrodes direct the current and, voila, an electric spark.