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How does AMD's Bulldozer compare to Intel's Nehalem?

I've been searching for articles that compare AMD's Bulldozer and Intel's Nehalem but can't find any good ones.


And you probably wont! AMD is keeping a tight lid on the bulldozer..either because they want to blitz the world with its performance ..OR...its not as great as the hype! The Ivy bridge is coming out from intel that is suppose to be the enthusiast version of the Sandy Bridge. and as you can see the 2600K is pretty tuff to beat especially at $314 si the new one should be above the 995X sad to say AMD has to little, to late...had the Bulldozer come out when Sandy Bridge did there would have been a near even market. at this point the bulldozers is just an also ran.The only thing that can save its butt would be price point and mother board ability/price. The Sandy Bridge mother boards are a bit expensive the P8P67 Deluxe is $239 so adding the $314 for the CPU = $553 IF the bulldozer can come in under that price point it stands a chance. 8 core or even 12 core means little if there is nothing out there that can take advantage of all those cores. Little to nothing can take advantage of 6 cores now! We all have to wait and see bench marks now are just theoretical as there is nothing to test them on for real world results. Like the rest of us...just sit and wait...and wait...and wait!

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