How does mantle rock transform to granite containing quartz minerals? what igneous processes occur for this to happen
This Site Might Help You. RE: Why doesn't Quartz have cleavage? I have been studying mineralogy bit and i have come across Silicates and Feldspars. I have noticed that most feldspar like orthoclase, plagioclase, microcline etc have some sort of cleavage or the other. But quartz doesn't have anything. Is it because of the temperature at which the magma...
Quartz has no cleavage because all the bonds between the atoms in the crystal structure are the same strength. In many minerals, the bonds are different strengths. This creates a plane of weakness due to aligned weak bonds along which the mineral will break. Quartz has no aligned weak bonds because they are all the same strength. So there is no plane of weakness that quartz breaks along and the break becomes haphazard or conchoidal.