How does the motorcycle move downhill?
In view of the novice, according to the road you said, it is strongly recommended not to slip the car and pinch clutch skidding, very dangerous! Downhill when used as low as possible (3 files below) low speed, until the road and the car are slowly familiar with, and can be appropriate faster!
Hello friends, should not ah, that is, you hang the stall is too high, you can hang 2 files. If you still smoke a pumping, you hang a file, and sure, you can try, hoping to help you.
How does the motorcycle move downhill? Hello friends, if the slope is large, please do not pick the block, it is dangerous, you can take the file or continuous light on the brakes, if the slope is very small can pick off the taxi, if not the cycle can hold the clutch glide, the greater the slope I suggest you stalls to be lower, so easy to control, hoping to help you, thank you.
Slide the gears: pinch the clutch, the throttle, slide forward, to the bottom of the slope, loose the contract to the throttle
It is because you were stalls too high, such as the speed of only 20 km when the best use of a file or second gear appropriate, then if the third gear above the words will appear such a situation! The The