how is a dental extraction preformed?
They inject local anesthetic into the gum and once this has taken they extract to tooth using a special tooth extraction tool that looks a little like a set of pliers but is not pliers. You don't really feel the injection into the gum that much as the Novocaine numbs the area very quickly.
They put laughing gas on your nose and you have to breathe it in, they usually have different flavors such as orange, cherry, or bubble gum. Then they put a numbing gel on your gums and your whole mouth is num, and then they put the novicane in your gums, and it is just a little pinch! not bad at all. Then your dentist will prob. wait for everything to settle in for maybe like 10 minutes then he will get his/her pliers kinda tool and just pop them out.
they numb the area of the gum (or compelely knock you out) and they cut the gum and grab the tooth. If the tooth is already out of the gum line, they they wiggle it back and forth till it loosens within the socket and then pull it out. Had 4 wisdom teeth taken out. 3 pulled and 1 dug out actually 2 weeks ago.
We numb the area using local anesthetic (sometimes a topical anesthetic gel is placed first on the site of injection),once anesthesia is effective,we do gum seperation (that is trying to seperate the gum on the tooth to be extracted),then we do what we call elevation (sort of like moving the teeth upward, if its upper tooth being extracted then downward-depending on the site of extraction).Sometimes,by elevation alone,the tooth can be removed.If not,then a forcep (sort of like plier)is placed on the tooth,apply little pressure on it,have a grip on the forcep and then remove the tooth.After removal,we rinse it with an irrigating solution (sodium chloride)just to clean the socket.Suture it if necessary.