I just need some information, thank you.
There are several methods, some of which aren't used anymore because they weren't successful. One involves going into the baby's head with a suction tool, scrambling the brains and sucking them out, crushing the skull with a clamp, and removing the fetus by scraping the uterus. If you're further along in pregnancy, one includes forcing the woman into labor with drugs and dilating the cervix with drugs or laminaria and forcing the baby to be born early. Another is to inject the uterus with saline to eventually kill the baby and then to deliver the baby whole or by first dismembering it internally with tools and removing each piece. All in all, there really isn't any pretty way to do it. And I don't agree with it, but I can't possibly know or understand someone else's situation to make that decision for them.
at 7 weeks or less they can give you a pill to make you miscarry and abort the baby-- its about 200 dollars. anything after that they have to go in a suck the baby out with a vacuum.. depending on how far along you are already depends on the price.. it can get up to 500 dollars.. also its an all day process you go there in the morning and then you have to stay there after wards just to see if everything is okay. also someone has to drive you, there and back home, if you have no one with you they wont do it on you. it also can cause problems on trying to conceive after wards if you ever want to get pregnant again.-- there are a bunch of more related risks, that they explain to you when you call and make the appointment.. but i just hope the person this is for considers adoption over abortion, because its awesome to give a child to people who cant have children of their own, instead of taking an innocent child's life away.
It all depends on how far pregnant you are. If you are early into pregnancy you are given pills to induce miscarriage. If you are later into the pregnancy you are given pills to dilate the cervix and the the fetus is removed from the uterus using suction, usually under a general anaesthetic, but then again this depends on the gestation of the pregnancy. When you are over around 18 +weeks pregnant the procedure is slightly different as they have to make sure the fetus is no longer living when it is removed from the uterus and this is a longer and more complicated process. In different countries abortion laws vary, but in the UK this is an basic outline of what happens.