How long can screen printing ink be kept?
Screen printing ink in the unopened case is generally 12~24 months, according to the brand and its content to be divided, this each manufacturer has its own information;If it's open:UV ink first jar sealed, avoid light, constant temperature storage, conservative estimate is 4~5 monthsAfter the ordinary ink can be opened, pour some oil and water on the surface, and then seal it. The aging time is 6~7 months.
Screen printing ink should be stored in a cool and dry place. After opening the pot, if it is UV ink, it must be placed in the freezer, and avoid exposure to light!No ink tank shelf-life of 12 months, can use as soon as possible, in principle, shall not exceed 6 months!
Screen printing ink refers to the use of screen printing method, all the ink called silk screen printing ink.
No ink tank shelf-life of 12 months, can do in principle shall not exceed 6 months. Screen printing ink should be stored in a cool and dry place. After opening the pot, if it is UV ink, it must be placed in the freezer, and avoid exposure to light.