Can we skip the answer that go you never stop learning or after __ years I am still learning. Yes I understand you are always improving, you are always learning and what not but you know what I am asking so can I get real answers here? (not trying to be an as*hole just trying to get answers).I generally pick up on things rather fast, I learned how to drive a stick in a couple hours and by the 2nd day my shifts were smooth. so I learn pretty fast.
Similar to Candid Learned to tie MY shoes at three Chris. I was riding a pedal bicycle before I was 3 years old. I was riding on the streets before I was 10. First motorized bicycle was a Puch in England. Seconds to learn the throttle, otherwise no different than a pedal bike except easier. Back home I bought a brand new 1964 Honda CA110. No more than 10 minutes to learn clutch and gears. Learning is easy if you do it step by step. And yeah, we are all still learning. Which is why I wear Cowboy Boots rather than laced.
Assuming you take a class (MSF or other) it should only take you a few days to actually learn to operate the motorcycle (it really isn't that hard, but operating it correctly isn't usually what causes accidents). As far as learning how to safely ride a motorcycle, if you believe the statistics, it takes about 6 months of riding time to learn to ride it safely (building muscle memory, building experience, etc.), assuming you're working on improving and not just learning how not to drop it.
I learned how to drive a stick in a couple hours and by the 2nd day my shifts were smooth. so I learn pretty fast. That long? That is not driving though is it? Operating the controls is not riding – a monkey could be trained to operate the controls.