Its a half, 10lbs precooked honey baked long do i cook it and at what temperature?
Hi aluminium is never as strong as steel so it would have to be a lot of expensive alumium alloy to get the strength where steel would be cheaper and easier material to deal with.
I think revisiting 1st grade English would be a better investment on your part.
Aren't most vehicles made from aluminum because aluminum is light and several layers make it very sturdyAren't planes made mostly of aluminum? Take a piece of aluminum foilIt's very weak but fold it several times and suddenly it's very strong So yes.
People have used aluminum to build vehicles from the startIt may cost a bit more, and aluminum isn't as easy to repair as steel when it gets damaged, but it is lighter in weight and when the Feds are pushing the issue of fuel consumption to the point where light trucks need to get 30 miles per gallon, it seems a logical way to go.
DO NOT COOK A HONEY BAKED HAM! It has already been slow cooked for 24 hrs,and anything more will dry it out and/or catch the glaze on fire!!!! Just let it out of the fridge 30 minutes prior to servingTHAT IS ALL YOU HAVE TO DOFreeze leftovers for up to 2 months, and wrap in aluminum foil to prevent the ham from turning a grayish color.