How many BEARINS are used in Motorcycle and where ??
This will vary from bike to bike, but: At least 2 main bearings in the engine 2 for each piston Usually 2 for camshaft, may be plain bushings At least 2 for each shaft in transmission 2 or 3 for each wheel 2 for steering head 2 for swingarm, may be plain bushings several for suspension linkage, may be plain bushings
Unanswerable question. Example. My Goldwing does not use any bearings in the rear wheel. My KLR 650 uses three bearings. My Goldwing uses 4 bearings in the front wheel. My KLR 650 uses 2 bearings. Your question is too vague to be answerable.
This is a question that can be given no specific answer, just a general one. It varies from bike to bike. As to where they are, well for a start, there are bearings in the wheels, the swingarm, the headstock, and there are multitudes of them in the engine and gearbox, of all types and sizes. You see the problem here?
I'd have to disagree with Max Cruise when he says his GW has no bearings on the rear wheel. Since he has a rotating wheel mounted in some fashion to a stationary fixture, there are bearings somewhere. Any time you have one object in contact with another object, you have a bearing surface. In carpentry this could be a stationary beam setting on another stationary beam or object. In mechanical applications, normally a bearing is considered any stationary surface that has a moving object contacting it. There are many different types of bearings. Bearings can consist of cylindrical devices with steel balls or rollers that keep the moving object from coming in contact with the stationary object, a bronze cylinder inserted into the stationary object inside of which a shaft made of a harder material turns and is lubricated with grease or oil, a solid metal object in which a hole is bored and a shaft turns inside of the hole, (old style disc bearings made from white cast iron, the aluminum camshaft bearing surfaces on the cylinder head of a motorcycle or an oil impregnated hard maple wooden block used on old farm machinery are good examples). On most crankshafts an insert bearing is used, which is basically a half round strip of steel that separates the engine block and crankshaft. They have a coating of meduim hard copper sandwiched between the hard steel back that contacts the non-noving surface and the soft babbit surface the crankshaft rides on. Actually the crank doesn't ride on the bearing, but pressure lubrication keeps a layer of oil between the babbit surface and crankshaft surface, preventing metal to metal contact. To answer your question, you'll have to count how many shafts or devices rotate or moveinside of a stationary object. That can be the crankshaft bearings, piston pin bearings, steering head bearings, the bushing on the rear brake lever or shift lever shaft, etc.
Cam-rod-crank-clutch-shifter-shift drums-output shafts-wheel-fork yoke-------A LOT