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How many hours can i work in a week in Texas?

I'm 16 and in school.My first Job


Aluminum foil is fineI used to use it instead of Zip Lock bags because I could recycle the foil(We moved and the local facility does not accept foilBummer.) Now, I don't use either one and opt for reusable Tupperware, Rubbermaid and similar containers(Cheaper and earth-friendly)I also find that using Zip Lock bags can be messier (and when, say in the fridge, the food can get squashed easier).
why would foil, used on foods for many many years, give you food poisoning? It will work great for short term freezingYou might want to wrap the meat in wax paper or saran wrap first and then aluminum to make it as air tight as possibleDepending on how long you intend to store or freeze your food, you want it as air tight as possibleThe actual wax lined freezer paper is EXCELLENT for this and I keep that on hand at all timesWhen people talk about eating food thats been in the freezer for years, its usually wrapped in freezr wrapHome butchers have been using that paper for years to successfully store frozen foods for a very long time with little or no freezer burn issuesYes plastic bags are okay but usually people use one bag and the littlest sharp corner can tear it and then you have air getting to the food which causes freezer burn.
At 16, probably no legal limitThere would be if you were under 16.

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