How many kinds of refractory materials are there in the EI?
I suggest that you contribute articles to foreign SCI journals for the odds are better, and generally the articles that fill the bill will not be rejected. The traditional refractory materials can contribute to EI journal. If being rejected by EI journal, you can also contribute to Russia's journal Industrial Ceramics and Refractories. I didn't contribute to the Journal of Wuhan University of Science and Technology, the receiving cycle is almost 3 to 4 months. Though the impact factor is low, domestic EI journal is not so good, it is still SCI journal. This is my own experience, please take my advice. The best journals are the Journal of the American Ceramic Society and the Journal of the European Ceramic Society, I heard that they are not bad. But the best domestic EI refractory material journal is the Journal of The Chinese Ceramic Society. It is very long, but if it belongs to your university, it is another pair of shoes. Journals now all want to have materials about functional ceramics, and they don't want Chinese articles, if your English is not well enough, you can choose Ceramics International and Japan Ceramics but they have strict manuscripts reviewing standards.