I think I just want an all grass lawn. The lawn is 244 square feet inside the fence. How many pallets will I need to cover? I am in Dallas Texas. Thank you in advance.
If you can cover your rubber with a couple of inches of hay, that would be a good base. Pallets only give extra space to rodents to move around in. Some fallen hay would allow enough air flow to keep your bales in good shape. For the last several years in my barn, I have a dirt floor, covered by a large tarp, a few inches of accumulated hay that's fallen out of bales over the years, then my hay right on that. I never have any problems with mold.
It's not the ground moisture you are going have an issue with, the moisture from the hay the air won't be able to get out if you stacked it on rubber of any kind it would mold, guaranteed. I too hate pallets, I still use some if I have to, but I got some 2x4x12s and 2x6x12s, spaced them 12 apart. Works great! I haven't had any problems none of my hay has molded. They are easy to move so you can rake clean under them it doesn't create homes for mice like pallets do.
You need air circulating below them, that why you should raise them off the ground. Sorry I can't think of a better way then pallets
Storing the hay on rubber would make it ferment faster. It holds in the heat and moisture given off by the hay which increases the fermentation. You have to use pallets if you don't want your whole block to mold.