Cover the dish with foil and remove it for just a few minutes at the end of the cooking time for browning.
Burnt cheese is delicious! Not sure why you would want to avoid it but this is howCook it about half way and then add fresh cheese to the top of it and cook for the rest of the timeThis will keep the cheese from burning on top.
Cover the top with tin foilThen about ten minute from the end take the foil off and the cheese will melt.
I'd go with the foil, but just an fyi- typically recipes account for the fact that some uncooked ingredients will be cold from refridgerationIn the future though I would hold off on putting things like breadcrumbs in until right when you're about to cook it so they don't get soggy.
I do, while the percentage rate of the USA doing it overall is 28%42% of all paper, 40% of all plastic soft drink bottles, 55% of all aluminium beer and soft drink cans, 57% of all steel packaging, and 52% of all major appliances are now recycled Recycling rates vary from state to stateAt the bottom end of the scale Alaska, Wyoming and Montana recycle less than 9% of waste, while in New York, Virginia and five other states more than 40% of waste is recycled.