I think the answer is 5! but the answer given in my book is actually 325. Is the answer given in the text book wrong or am I wrong??
if each flag can only be used once, then you are right If the colors can be repeated, the answer is 3125 either way, the book has a typo
What make you think that a text book would be wrong, and think that you know more than the writer of the text !!?
ANSWER WILL BE 325. solution : 1 flag can be selected in 5 WAYS. 2 flags can be selected in 20 WAYS . 3 flags can be selected in 60 WAYS . 4 flags can be selected in 120 WAYS . 5 flags can be selected in 120 WAYS . total 325 ways
5 to the power 5. Starting from 0,0,0,0,0. closing at 5,5,5,5,5, - 15 625 variations later. Peace.