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how many solar panels needed for Heater and AC?

Need solar panel info with dimensions and also the total cost of the whole equipment for setting up of the required solar panels for a 2-story home


Please excuse my bluntness, but you are not ready to ask these questions. This is a very complex issue. The how many question depends on what you expect of the system. Are you attempting to be off the grid? If so the system will have to supply all of your electrical needs, including those at night. You would need batteries. If you will be on the grid and want to supply all your electrical needs, your system will have to average the total daily usage. This will vary from one season to the next, so you will need to find out your annual usage. If you just want to reduce your electric bill, you need to pick the acceptable installation cost, and work with it to determine what it will buy In your shoes I would do some studying. Check out solar panels in the green search box above, and on the Internet. This will help you ask questions that are easier for us to answer.
There are many, upon many variations of equipment needed for a complete solar home. I would call several contractors in your area that deals with it and get estimates. You have to look at what your wattage diet is at your home. How many watts are you using for your AC and heat. Which can vary by age, efficiency, insulation of home, etc. Look at your electric bill for a normal summer month and a normal winter month, then estimate your heating and cooling (Sometimes can be as much as 70% of the bill). You will see on your bill your toal kilowatt hours. ( Kilowat = 000 Watts) Solar systems can start as low as $2.00/watt, but can rapidly approach $20.00/watt depending on the difficulty of application etc.... Here is the great thing, in many areas of the country there may be rebates from the county or state. And what you don't use can be fed back into the grid, and you get paid for it. But as always - Call a quailified contractor and get the right system for your home.

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