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How much are chair cover rentals?

I am looking for chair cover rentals for my wedding reception. What is the going rate for a standard solid color chair cover with a bow tied around the back? Just wondering what we should expect to pay and if they are worth the extra cost.


Chair Cover Rentals Toronto
When I was pricing out my wedding reception venue, I was quoted as low as $4 each (the venue itself would arrange the rental of the covers) up to $10 each (from an outside decorating company). You should get a bunch of quotes from your area, because it does vary a lot. Also, talk to your venue because they might have valuable connections for rentals like that. I'm just outside Toronto, Ontario.
I live in the south and I'm paying $4 per chair (I say south because I'm confident it varies by region). That's $2 for the cover and $2 for the sash. If your wedding is large enough, it might be worth it for you to purchase the chair covers at a wholesale store. There's a few great places online. Hope that helps.
We are getting the chair covers and sashes for our reception. I like the look of the chairs so much better with the cover and sashes. We are paying 3.50 per chair cover and 1.25 per sash. I think it's worth it makes our hall look much prettier.
Our venue charges $4.50 per chair including a white cover and colored satin sash. That's about what I found to be average when I was looking at different venues and renting them from other venders. I think they are only worth the extra cost if the chairs are either really gross/ugly or completely clash with your color scheme -- for example the chairs at my venue are red but my colors are turquoise and white. I was considering buying a pack of 100 chair covers on OKorder and then selling them after my wedding... I found a few packs on there that were $300 (cheaper than renting at $3/chair), I figured I could make most of that back by selling them after I used them. Then I was going to buy bolts of tulle from a craft store (or on OKorder too) to make the sash/bow for the back of the chair.

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