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How much does a 60 foot sailboat weigh? (Ballpark)?

If you were going to buy a hoist to lift your 60 foot boat out of the water what capacity would the machine have to have?


sailinglover is closer to the answer than the other guy.....now, you have a lot of fudge factors.....how much fuel and water aboard; is the boat maxed out for short day racing. like the America's Cup boats? Then 20,000 pounds might be right....but your typical 60 foot cruising boats is indeed going to be up around 20 tons or even more..... look up Marine Travelift on the web...they build the machines that lift yachts up and out at boatyards.....
A 60 foot sailboat would weigh about 19,000 pounds. Of course what the hull was made out of, wood vs aluminum and the fittings would add or subtact from that weight.
A typical 60' sailboat would weigh approximately 40,000 to 45,000 pounds. Many 40' sailboats weigh in around 19,000 so your first answer is a bit underweight.
Hard to determine. Sailboats all carry ballast, and depending on the type of hull and keel, it will differ. The best bet is to look see what the average vessel of that size weighs. Then add about 5000 pounds, or more. When you lift a sailboat, you're also going to be lifting the fuel and water in it's tanks, and all the extra gear the owner has stored on board. On a 60 foot boat, that could be a LOT!
There is no one answer to your question, there are many variables. A 60 footer would weigh around 40,000 pounds. For a hoist I would go with 50,000 pound capacity, minimally.

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