How much electricity does household freezers use in a day?
For example, the air temperature is high. The loss of cold air quickly. The compressor will frequent starting. So the cumulative working time is long. In the same temperature setting temperature is lower. The compressor working time will be longer. In general. The power consumption of the compressor power = time *.
For example: the compressor power is 600 watts. Today, the total work time is 10 hours. Then the 6 degree electricity * local price = electricity chargeThe concept of electricity is kilowatt hourNote: the compressor is not running at any time. So there is a cumulative saying
Power consumption depends on the size of the refrigerator compressor power and its operation time. Power can be found in the refrigerator on the nameplate. And time is a variable. The local temperature level. The temperature in the box set level. Are the factors which influence the power consumption.