My boyfriend just got a ticket for supposedly driving on the wrong side of the road. It was at our college too, and he was going downhill, and he has a huge truck he drives, so these speed bumps going down hill are pretty big. All he did was go a little bit around the bump, and yeah, they were double yellow lines, but do you think this is a terribly priced ticket? And could he possibly be able to get out of this in court? And what if its been less than 18 months that he's received another ticket? (which was another really stupid one) He took traffic school last time, so it was fine. But i'm really wondering how this works. Anyone know?
were reading the same book in reading right now. i would have to say that i agree with what you said, and at the same time it was important because didn't boo radley give her a blanket? so that goes with what you were saying because it shows he cares about scout and doesnt want her to get sick outside. and i guess it would help her character development because she was brave to be outside and she's learning that things like that happen, and that not all people are bad and how they appear to be. and it was signifigant in the movie b/c boo radley came out of his house and it showed he cared about scout a lot. i hope i helped.
You have two options. Turn the cabinet upside down. Some cabinets have locks that rely on gravity to work. Or you can contact the manufacturer and have a new key sent for a small fee. Hon charges $11. I duct tape a spare key to the back of my cabinet now.