so how often should i? and what cream do u use? im planning on getting the lube at my local skate shop... do u think they wood have it or is it not a skate lube?i herd u can put them in gasoline overnight, does that work?im open to any and all suggestions
You should look at them (depending on how much you skate) around once every 1-2 weeks and if they appear to have dirt or sand or not up to you standards, then clean them. I usually wash them off and soak them in oil for a couple hours hope this helps
Only need to be cleaned when needed--slow or noisy or if you skate in water. Clean in denatured alcohol. Lubricant is not a cleaner. Don't use WD-40 or Gasoline. Both leave a film that attracts dirt and gasoline is dangerous. Use 1-2 drops of lube per bearing. rubber shielded and metal shielded with c clip bearings can be cleaned. Crimp on shields can't be removed. If you see prongs sticking up around the shield, they are crimp type. They have to be replaced.
if there not broke don't do anything to them lol
I personally dont clean mine at all but if you want to then thats good. I would just google it you could get a lot of info.