How shuold i wash my goalkeeper gloves?
You should wash your gloves after EVERY training session and match. Never use normal soap either use goalie glove wash or just lukewarm water. What you will need:Gloves, Lukewarm water, Basin, Goalkeeper glove wash (opptional) What next: 1.Get your gloves and place them beside a basin of lukewarm water. 2.If you have goalkeeper glove wash put a small amount into the basin of lukewarm water if not just skip this step. 3.Wash each glove seperately and NEVER leave them to soak! 4.Place your first glove in the lukewarm water. 5.Leave in until glove is just wet not soaking. 6.Take out glove and first rub the palm until dirt comes off.(may not completely come clean but thats all part of being a goalie.) 7.Do the same with the outside of the glove. 8. Next move onto to the inside of the glove put a small amount of lukewarm water inside of glove put your hand in and move your finger around inside of the glove. 9.Completely empty water out of the glove when washed and leave to dry. 10.Never leave gloves to dry on a radiator or by an open fire! Dry in a dark preferably airing cupboard until dry. 11.Do the exact same steps with 2 glove. Note: Never leave gloves to SOAK! Never dry on radiator,direct sunlight or by a fire. Always leave a day or two to let your gloves dry before a match or training.
Give them to your mommy haha