I have some pre-made cinnamon rolls, but I want to avoid having the hard outer edges when I cook themIt feels weird on my teeth and I guess you could say it's a pet peeve.anyway, is there a way that I can cook them where they'll be completely soft? Surely someone has figured out a way.Thanks!
try wrapping the edges with aluminum foil, just put a sheet in the pan and bring up around the rollsbe sure you spray with nonstick spray or they will stick to the foilgood luck.
a modular is 2 halves of a house set together on a foundationa double wide is 2 halves of a trailer set on shorings and then skirted after it is set.
According to HUD and FHA the difference is that a miodular sits on a foundation and can be financed as real estate (like a house) vs personal property (like a trailer) Beyond that according to GA and many other states anything not stick built on site - ie components trucked in- is technically modular for ex many of the homes on Extreem Home Makeover and they sure are not double widesA double wode is always a modular but a modular is not always a double wide.