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How to connect a beam detector in conventional fire alarm control panel?

How to connect a beam detector in conventional fire alarm control panel?


To a dog a fire hydrant is just another post and if it's been marked by another male, chances are he will lift his leg against it too to leave his calling card. Actually I think it's a pretty horrible thing to do to allow a dog to pee there - pity the poor fire people!! Bitches don't lift their legs (usually, I have had the occasional one who will token-lift) they don't look for posts to pee against they don't mark a fire hydrant.
Neither does mine and he's a male. It's hardly a myth, more like a pile of 'crock' I have never ever ever seen a dog pee on a hydrant maybe because here in Australia, we don't have them scattered through out the streets. But still even in the US I highly doubt many dogs do pee on a hydrant just because its a hydrant, to them its just a post to mark.
Best case scenario: The lightning is simply earthed through the plumbing or electrical system and nothing much happens. Worst case scenario: It makes electrical appliances in your home go boom and starts a big fire.
Females don't mark their territory like males do, she will NEVER lift a leg to pee on a fire hydrant only males do that and only if another male has marked it prior. Females just need grass and yes it is a myth that dogs WANT to urinate on a fire hydrant
Female dogs squat to pee and male dogs lift their leg to pee as for all male dogs peeing on fire hydrants thia is a bunch of bologna the only time I have ever seen that is on tv

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