I'm wanting to add a louder siren to my smoke detector system. What I have is 8 detectors throughout the house that are all wired together so if one goes off they all go off. After testing them today and replacing batteries in a few of them I got to thinking that even though they all will go off at once they still might not be loud enough to wake me as I sometimes sleep real heavy. I was wandering if I could possibly get a security alarm siren and connect to the circuit and it work? I do have a security system that has other detectors on it and the siren on it is loud enough to wake me but you can't never over do it when it comes to safety. Any advice / suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Who is worse 1. The racists who turned fire hoses and billy clubs on blacks during the Civil Rights Movement (on national TV)or 2. Today's racists who have learned from their predecessors mistakes and are covert with their hatred.. and try to make their racism appear harmless and mainstream The 2nd group is far worse.they've camouflaged themselves into the fabric of America and successfully sold their warped ideas as acceptable American values to those with limited comprehension skills (Republicans)
I think that a person who is an outspoken racist is worse because as least if a person keeps it to themselves they aren't upsetting anyone else- unless they are going to keep it to themselves and then commit a hate crimeits hard to see an upside of racism I guess
I think a outspoken racist is worst because they have no intention of changing and choose to be ignorant, while the possibility of changing the perception of a closet racist, I would think, might have higher statistics, after all they are closet for a reason and that reason could be because they know it's wrong.
I think one who doesn't express it is worst. If one is outspoken, at least I know to keep my distance from him. But I had a friend who was covertly racist, and I didn't really realize it until we got into a huge argument over ebonics, and then it dawned on me later just how racist she was. If she had been more outspoken about it, I could have avoided getting involved with her in the first place.
All /1christlover /1christlover May God bless you.